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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Groundhog autumnal commute

I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand shadowless like silence, listening
To silence.

—Thomas Hood (1799–1845) "Ode: Autumn" (1827)

I had a groundhog day experience on the train to work this morning. I can remember exactly the same time in autumn last year, and the autumnal feelings that it stirred up. The journey between Ueznach and Zeigelbrueke is across a flat bottomed valley. The air was still chilled, and a band of morning fog, formed from the night's still air, blanketed most of the grassed fields across the valley. There was no direct sun in the valley yet, as the sun had not reached the top of the other side of the ridge above me. This set the autumn scene perfectly by back lighting the sky with an pale orange glow, almost silhouetting the ridge underneath.

The change in the season was very evident in a dramatic yet silent way.


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